Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Visit to the VanVleet's

Halle holds Brayden, then Dee takes her turn, a little awkward, but still precious!!

Gracie cheers Brayden on from the sidelines, but it looks like he is having so much fun that all the cousins want to play under his mobile

Monday, August 18, 2008

I guess Brayden has declared that he is for HOPE and CHANGE...or at least his Daddy has made that decision and lured his wife and baby into taking a great pic...

Checkout for a pretty cool video reminding us that we can.....yes we can......

Derek wants one of these chair things because Little B seems to enjoy it so much...

He is learning to lift his head....and his daddy is very proud...everyday with every little accomplishment..

Brayden grows older and meets Sanaz

Monday, August 11, 2008

Some fun in Sugarland...

Little B with friends...lots of people but see who he is lookin' at...

Maybe laughing....

We had a temporary Nanny for a couple weeks - Kristen!!! She was a great part of the family for a while, but now is back in Pennsylvania getting into nursing. Brayden misses her already...

Little B can almost suck on his thumb...or is he trying to Gig'em?

Somebody's gettin' ready for August 30th!!!